손흥민, 토트넘 스타디움에서의 따뜻한 환영에 집으로 돌아온 느낌
경기 복귀와 팀 동료들의 지지에 대한 감사함 공유



[문화뉴스 고나리 기자] 토트넘 핫스퍼의 손흥민이 아시안컵 대회에 참가한 후 팀으로  돌아와 토트넘 구단 공식 유튜브를 통해 감사함과 설렘을 표현했다.

인터뷰에서 손흥민은 토트넘 핫스퍼 스타디움에서 팬들로부터 받은 놀라운 환영에 대한 자신의 감정을 공유했는데, 그것을 압도적이고 마음을 따뜻하게 하는 경험으로 묘사하며 집에 돌아온 것 같은 느낌을 받았다고 말했다. 대회에서의 고통에도 불구하고 팬들의 지지가 있었기에 버틸수 있었다고 말을 이었다.

손흥민은 또한 벤치에서 나와 경기에 참여하는,  일반적으로 익숙하지 않은 상황에 대해 이야기하며, 지난 시즌 대체 선수로 나와 해트트릭을 기록한 것처럼 점수를 기대했다고 농담을 하기도 했다. 팀이 경기에서 이기도록 돕는 책임감을 느꼈으며, 팬들의 에너지와 지지가  더욱 동기부여했다고 강조했다.

팀으로 돌아온 것에 대해 써니는 동료들로부터 받은 따뜻한 환영에 대해 언급하며, 팀 내의 강한 유대감과 동료애를 강조했다. 이어 팀이 그라운드 위나 밖에서 모두 놀라운 그룹이라며, 그들이 만들어내는 젊은 에너지와 지지적인 환경을 칭찬했다.

또한 자신의 부재 동안 토트넘 핫스퍼 경기를 팬으로서 관람한 경험을 되돌아보며, 그것을 긴장되고 강렬한 경험으로 묘사했는데, 이는 그에게 경기 중 팬들이 겪는 것에 대한 새로운 감사를 가져다주었다고 말했다.  멀리서 지켜보는 동안 동료들의 성과와 팬들의 지지에 대해 자부심을 느꼈다고 덧붙혔다.

자신의 목표는 팀이 성공하고 팬들을 자랑스럽게 만드는 것이며,  팬들에게 지원에 대한 감사를 표하고 자신의 성과를 통해 그들에게 기쁨과 자부심을 가져다주기 위해 최선을 다하겠다는 열정적인 메시지를 전달했다.

문화뉴스 / 고나리 기자 [email protected]

[사진 = 토트넘 공식 유튜브]

인터뷰 원문

Sunny welcome back thank you very much

thank you thank you good to be back very

good to be back and especially from the

weekend results and it will make me

happier to be back so yeah very glad to

be back that was one of the most

incredible receptions I've seen for a


at Tottenham hotb Stadium what was it

like for you coming on in that game oh

it was incredible you know first of all

um obviously the game was not uh the

best way we want to uh reach out but

yeah as soon as when I came home uh even

for the warm up when I came out

everybody was uh clapping me and it was

just incredible feeling you you never

expect that and you when you receive

like that is I feel like you coming back

home you know it was just incredible

feeling and especially in that at that

moment I was still hurt uh very painful

after this tournament and when you they

live me like this it was it's just

incredible incredible feeling yeah it's

it's so rare to see you coming off the

bench usually you're you're starting

games so this is quite a different

experience for you right to come on like

that and then have the crowd just

welcome you on your own oh yeah don't

forget last season I score hatrick from

coming on so uh yeah I expect to score

hatrick again but yeah quiet need happen

so yeah but still coming on in a in a

good moment in a per moment when when we

score one1 and then the fans were right

behind us and then soon as when I came

on the stadium was just like going to

the next step so it was just like

incredible incredible feeling and then

he felt like I have to take a big

responsibility you know to win this game

so I tried to want to help the team and

which is WEA did and and then I was very

happy to see all the all the my SP

family back we'll come back to to the

performance of the weekend but I

wondered if you could tell us a little

bit about the welcome back that you've

had from your teammate

we saw when you you came back in

everyone straighten to give you a huge

hug and and welcome you back how's it

been oh crazy good good uh it was a good

feeling obviously I miss the players

that that I work for almost uh six seven

months together which is just obviously

was uh for me to living in a in a very

important time it was uh very painful

also but also part of half half part of

my myself I want to be part of um uh

national team as well so but soon as

when I come back they give a biggest a

hug that time which is I I needed and

everybody was giving such a warm warm

hug uh welcoming hug and uh so good it

was just everybody just left me and

tough week but with the players with the

fans with the staff with the coaching

staff everybody and they lift me up so

well and that that that's U I'm back to

positive sunny again it it's a good

group isn't it yeah it's amazing group

it's still young guys but on the pitch

they are like Hunters but off the pitch

they still childish but um still amazing

group that having such a warm heart it's

not in everywhere like this you know so

but we have an amazing group of players

also human being which is just like

fantastic and it was it was great great

come I think is it was my

almost favorite moments ever since I

join SP is that important to you as a

captain to have a group of people around

you that are good people as well as

great players yeah 100% because uh it is

just make it like piece of uh puzzle you

know so I think uh you know I think be a

great footballer yeah everybody is a

great footballer when you play in the

Premier League but human being everybody

is different but having in this group is

make so much easy easier easy job for me

you know just just handling not many

things and everybody is a very positive

Moon and great love and great man as

well so which is just like being just in

the changing room being in the in the

pitch being in the gym is just like

funny and they make me happy so having

this group is just

incredible incredible proud and happy is

anything changed you were away for

nearly 6 weeks right so has anything

changed that you've noticed when you

came back uh two two new players coming

and and teimo and Ru and then obviously

have spoke with them teimo I can speak

with German and uh I knew quite a little

bit early that uh the in the national

team we have a German uh physiotherapy

that is great good friend with Timo and

then kind of knew it that what going on

and uh yeah R are a little bit scared

because he's still so big and then but

but he's a fantastic guy and then he

wants he's like a really Warrior you

know like he want to work he want to

improve every single day which is like

everybody expect a about from the

players I guess the other thing would be

that when you went we had about seven

players out through injury or out injury

and suddenly you come back in you got to

work for your play oh yeah that's that's

that's professional football you know so

you have to obviously you have amazing

players and then you have to walk your

places and there is never safe places

you know another players step up which

is Richie did which is uh Brandon did

which is Teo did and everybody was doing

a great great job so yeah I have to work

hard to to get again to get my places

and to make uh the team performing well

I know you were fully focused on doing

your your job for your national team and

you take the responsibility incredibly

seriously but I wondered if you could

tell me what it was like to watch as a

fan watch SP oh it was it was Nightmare

it was literally nightmare so it was I

was keep I almost watch every single

game so probably yeah Bernie when Pedro

SC the scream it was incredible and uh

yeah obviously Man City man united

Branford and uh Everton and I watched

the all so yeah it was just incredible

tough to watch you know so because I

know now how feel the fans you know so

which is just like every single action

you are like get so tension you know

like your hands is sweating even when we

attack we are so excited but the other

way you're getting panicking you know

please the ball has to be go away from

from our go so which is just like really

really good uh good experience about it

so yeah but the last did a fantastic job

and the fans were amazing even you could

see from the TV but i' rather to play on

the pitch than watching again so yeah

definitely so are you watching in your

hotel room just you sat there on your

own and what sort of fan are you Sunny

very calm are you try to try to be calm

because I know how to feel on the pitch

you know obviously when you watch on the

TV you have a better angle than when

you're right on the pitch you know so

when when you're on the pitch so very

calm because I know how to feel the

players you know even some situation

even they make a wrong decision which is

just like happening you kind of

understand because it's it's all the

players that you're right on the pitch

and then everybody is just like in a

different different situation so I was

very very com even when we ConEd the

goal I still believe that we can we can

score some goals and that's what the did

and I was very proud to to watch them so

you mentioned two players that have

really stepped up let's start with with

Brennan the last time I think we spoke

before you went away you said you were

gutted because you wanted to try and get

Brennan a goal or get an assist for a

Brennan goal and then you had to to go

away um to the Asia cup you go away he

scores straight away oh yeah that's

brilliant brilliant I mean Brandon is

fantastic guy and then also fantastic

player that he has amazing future on him

so but uh me and BR Brandon has a

amazing very close relationship Brandon

is still young I want to help as much as

I can because we are almost a similar

player type and we're playing almost

same same position that I want to share

my experience and to to him because I

think he can be one of the greatest

player I think for for his country also

but also for for sports so he's always

asking me a question what to do and you

know this is make me very very proud and

I'm very happy and Richie as well

amazing patch of form for him he's

catching you in the Golden Boot R I hope

he can get a gold boost um um why not I

think he he's doing amazing job for the

for the team obviously he had a FR

frustrated year for him and then I have

I had no doubt because he's Brazilian

number nine Striker so the quality there

not going away from him so obviously he

had a couple of issues his body so he

had to I kept telling him so you have to

try to fix it because worth it you know

I'm telling you that and because I had a

similar situation with him so look he

step up like amazingly so as a as a

teammate I want to help him as as much

as can and why not why not he can he

have to believe if he can win the gold

boost or not you know so yeah I'm

definitely helping him and then on him

School even more more than 10 goals so

you've been watching on as a fan which

of his goals did you enjoy the most cuz

he scored some amazing goals in there

from uh Richie or from uh Rich from

Richie uh I will say the second goal

from Everton I think

is it's my favorite goal doesn't matter

who who scor that that kind of goal

because in that position is my my

favorite position that I love to shoot

from there so but also the the first

goal against Everton that he scored with

left foot uh the cross from Destiny was

not even I would say perfect ball it was

tough yeah but Destiny did a good job

but it was tough to take it for Richie

but Richie did a fantastic job even even

his weak foot that foot first touch and

I was a little bit sad that he was um he

couldn't celebrate because he's on team

so he scored double so he could scor

race and probably he should go he should

celebrate but I understand that he's ex

grub so yeah fully full full respect

that and yeah but that goal was

incredible so but for me favorite goal

was probably Pedro one and very finally

I wondered if you had a a message for

the fans after that lovely reception

that you got when you came back I don't

know it's um yeah I would love to say

thank you and uh what can I say it's

just huge honor to getting recession

like that and uh yeah toughest week of

probably I will say on my my life but

you guys all all make me very happy

again and lifted up and this uh this

moment I will never forget my life for

my whole my life until until I die and

uh I will make sure sure that uh we make

it something special try to make it

happen happen this year but

also until I play first P I will do my

best to make you happy and smile and uh

proud so thank you so much for your

amazing support again and then welcoming

me and then look I see you on 


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